D Casino

SNA pixel count icon

Total Pixels

1 Million

SNA pixel pitch icon

Pixel Pitch

6.67 mm

SNA display count icon 2

Display Count


SNA sf icon

Square feet


D Casino Las Vegas Upgrades with LED Video "Portals"

The D Casino Hotel Las Vegas has added exterior LED video displays at its southeast entrance at the intersection of E. Carson Avenue and S. 3rd Street. The new walk-through dynamic video displays act as portals for pedestrians making their way to the popular entertainment venue.

The casino LED project features two separate signs which sit catty-corner at the Carson & 3rd intersection. The sign nearest the D is a single-sided display while the one across the intersection is a double-sided display. Both include LED screens on the inside walls, providing a three-dimensional, portal effect.


The sign nearest the D includes five screens which can operate independently or together depending on the desired content effects. The overhead display is 3’2” high by 28’4” (144 x 1296 pixels). The two leg faces measure 7’1” high by 3’2” wide (324 x 144 pixels) each. The inner wall displays are 6’4” high by 3’2” wide (288 x 144 pixels) each.

For the installation across the intersection, the dimensions are the same, but since it is a double-sided sign, there are two overhead screens, four leg faces, and two inner wall displays.

In total, the casino LED video displays include more than one million pixels and approximately 500 square feet.

Outdoor SMD With Tight 6.67 mm Pitch

Each display employs surface-mount display (SMD) technology, where the LEDs in each pixel are packaged together, allowing for crisp, clear imagery and a widened viewing experience. Additionally, the outdoor-rated displays have a 6.67 mm pixel pitch.

“The three-dimensional, portal aspect of The D Hotel project offered a unique opportunity for design and processing of the displays,” said Jason Helton, SNA Displays’ operations manager who oversaw the project installation. “The Sansi processors are able to take content and apply each piece relative to the real-world spatial placement of the displays.”

For more information about The D, visit www.thed.com.


Project Location

Fremont Street, Las Vegas, NV

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