Crocker Park

Total Pixels

Pixel Pitch
10 mm

312 x 320

Square feet
Crocker Park Digital Out-of-home
SNA Displays retrofitted a digital out-of-home (DOOH) platform at Crocker Park in the Greater Cleveland area. The open-air shopping, entertainment, and dining center spreads out over 20 blocks in a grid pattern with European-influenced architecture designed to provide an immersive retail experience. The property is operated by Stark Enterprises, a Cleveland-based full-service real estate development company.
Consumer Experience Group (CEG), a Los Angeles-based consultancy for experiential display projects, managed the digital signage retrofit on behalf of Stark Enterprises, selecting SNA Displays to manufacture the digital advertising screen using 10 mm EMPIRE™ Exterior XS LED video technology
The Crocker Park LED display measures 10'3" tall x 10'6" wide (312 x 320 pixels) and is façade-mounted at the northwest corner of the roundabout at Crocker Park Blvd. and Main Street. The placement is centrally located and provides extended sight lines in multiple directions for motor and pedestrian traffic. The video display system replaces an LED screen of about the same size provided by SNA Displays in 2011, upgrading the Nichia diodes with new, improved Sansi diodes.
American Interstate Signcrafters provided LED installation services.
More: SNA Displays Upgrades LED Video Display at Cleveland’s Crocker Park.